Striking wall art of a walleye out of water. Perfect as a gift for the fishing person in your life.
Striking wall art of a bass out of water. Home or lodge décor with an artistic flare for the fishing person in your life. Made in the USA of high quality steel with 3 D effects - fins are movable for added effect.
A striking pose for this striped bass intarsia wood wall art sculpture that measures a full 20 inches long x 13 inches high.
The walleye is a favorite of freshwater fishermen in North America. This intarsia wall art of the walleye is a fitting tribute to the species, while the real one may be left to grace your plate.The bass brothers - largemouth and smallmouth - depicted in intarisa wall art for the fisherman's lodge, office or man cave.
Symbolic of the fishing of the Pacific Northwest, this striking intarsia wood wall art of an animated salmon swimming upstream is perfect for the lodge, office, or man cave.Combining the wood tone of multiple timbers to produce a creative wall art sculpture for the fisherman's lodge or man cave.This attractive addition to our fishing and wall art decor categories is a stunning example of intarsia wood art. Click on the image to find out more about this steelhead trout wall art. Looking at this wall art is bound to get the fisherman off the couch and out fishing! Click on the image to see listing.From out of the ocean depths come this Manta Ray Pair from Amy & Addy's line of ocean figurines for the home or office.
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June 2021